Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Cheese and cheesiness

On the bright side, I found some cheese that is close enough to Cheddar that I think I will be able to use it as a substitute in cheese enchiladas and macaroni and cheese. It is called "Trappist" cheese. We went to visit our neighbors on Friday and had a wonderful, cheesy lunch with them. The wife made what was basically macaroni and cheese with little chunks of chicken and just a touch of beef. It was delicious and soul-satisfying. It was made with this cheese, which is available in all of the shops I have been to. It's mild and light yellow. I don't think it is expensive...wait, what am I saying? To most people here, it's ALL expensive.

Speaking of markets and shops here that sell food. As I have mentioned before people here don't make a lot of money. A $400-500 a month paycheck is pretty good. So....

1. Why do they sell shrimp and other expensive seafood with all of the stuff you can't eat? Like the heads, eyes, antennas, etc? And yes, I know people here eat the fish heads...I am talking about the things no one eats.

2. Why, when you go to the local Police Station to get your license plate, drivers license, visa, passport, etc. do they CHARGE you for the form that you must have? I can see charging for the service, but for the frickin' form????

3. Why don't they either clean up the water so that people are comfortable drinking it (and then don't have to buy water at 70-80 dinars for 5 liters - about $35 a month, just for WATER) or if it is clean and safe, spend a little money on a campaign to inform the public?

4. Vojvodina is the bread basket of Serbia. So, why don't these good people get a break on prices of fruits, vegetables and meat? They raise and farm the stuff, but they pay the same as the rest of the country.

That's my rant. I don't want to be political. I don't begin to understand the politics here. I have no right to tell anyone else how to live, but I see these things and they seem so unfair. The people that I have met here will give you the shirt off of their backs...what little they have, they will share with you. I just wish they could get a few breaks, y'know?