Today I begin this blog by saying hello. I have been in Novi Sad for about 6 weeks now. I am living here with a man I met in America. He is Hungarian/Croatian and this is his home.
I don't speak the language, but am trying to learn. I am beginning to understand what the native speakers are least the essence of the conversation.
Over the past 6 weeks, I have visited many places and had many pleasant experiences. Before I met this man, I had very little knowledge of Serbia, just like many Americans. So far, I have found the people here to be very friendly and helpful to me.
Hospitality to guests seems to be something very important here. Everyone we visit brings out the food and drink and you must have "just a little". An American woman that I met who has lived here for over 40 years told me that I would gain a kilo in my first month. I'm sure that has already happened!
My plans for this blog are to talk about the food, the city and the people of this wonderful place and hopefully some of you will want to visit one day. I think that more tourism would be wonderful for the economy of this place and it definitely has charm and beauty. Also, I want to have a place to say the things that come to my mind about life and love and other wonderful things.