Monday, September 17, 2007

Pivo Festival in Čelarevo

On Saturday night we went to the opening of the Pivo (Beer) Festival in Čelarevo. Čelarevo is the home of LAV (Lion) Beer. It's pretty good beer. Kind of strong, but I am a light beer person. (I know, many people think light beer is an abomination, but Coors and Miller light are what I drank in Louisiana, although I prefer wine.)
Anyway, the free beer flowed and the young people partied. And those of us who are a little older had a good time,too. I met the sweetest old man and his grandson who spoke perfect english. The grandson told me his name, but there is no way I can pronounce it...he said his nickname is "Bottle"...that I can handle. Here's a picture of us:

He recently graduated from university with a degree in Computer Information Systems which is the same thing that my daughter is studying. He is 23 and she is 22...small world. He was working the festival, serving free beer.

There was music and dancing at the festival on a very large stage. There was also a beer drinking contest for the young men. Here's a picture of that:

There were also men roasting beef for the crowd to, so all in all the villagers were having a great time. There were rides and game booths for the kids and lots of laughter as villagers greeted each other and friends from other places. The buses that go between the towns and villages arrived frequently unloading even more people.

Here's a picture of my love with his sister and his nephew:

He really is the cutest thing....